Can I pick up the prints in person?
Of course you can. We would love to sit down and have a coffee with you when you pick up your print. We might even have something new and exciting to show you.
If I pick it up myself is there a discount?
No, but you can get a coffee.
I'm from outside of Norway do I still have to pay the 5% art tax?
Yes, we're obliged by law to charge 5% art tax on all works sold in Norway above 2 000 NOK. The money goes back into art so you're supporting a richer culture life in Norway, it's worth it!
I'm an artists and would love to do a print with you. Is it possible?
Yes, it might be possible. Send us an introduction email and a proposal and we will get back to you in a timely manner.
I love one of your artists can you help me acquiring an original piece?
We would love to help you. Drop us an email and we will put you in contact with the right people.